
Go Red-Wear Red on February 2

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HeartMonthFebruary is Heart Month.  Wear Red on Friday, February 2, 2018.  All you need is love…and a healthy heart. 

Women, did you know

  • every 80 seconds a woman dies from cardiovascular disease?
  • more women than men die from heart disease?
  • one-in-three women die from heart disease and stroke each year?

This month:

G – Get your numbers for blood pressure and cholesterol.

O – Own your lifestyle, stop smoking, lose weight, exercise, and eat healthy.


R – Realize your risk, don’t think it won’t happen to you.

E – Educate your family, make healthy food choices for all of you.

D – Don’t be silent, tell every woman you know that heart disease is the number 1 killer of women.

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