Help Those in Need Through a United Way Donation

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As our 2017 annual campaign heads into 2018 at 84% of our goal, here at the United Way of Whiteside County, we want to take this opportunity to thank you for all your contributions and to wish you the happiest of holidays and a Happy New Year, too.  As you know, our staff, volunteers, donors, corporate partners, and Board of Directors are committed to our mission services.

But sometimes, particularly this time of year, we wonder if you know what that means?

That means when someone who cannot afford their prescription walks in our door and asks for our help, we give it.  That means when someone feeling despondent and depressed reaches out, we put them in touch with the right people.  That means when we get requests for grants for critical programs, that otherwise wouldn’t get off the ground, we do our utmost to find a way.  It means free books, scholarships, and food for children . And these days, it means facing down the opioid crisis with our valued partners, seeking solutions as a community bound together by love.

It means the United Way will continue to fight for what is good, no matter what happens in the chambers of Legislators, no matter what stumbling blocks get in our way, and no matter what challenges we meet that make our goals, at times, seem insurmountable.  At the end of the day, we will always strive to do what’s in the best interest of our Communities, our Country, and our partners–both corporate and nonprofit.

And so, as December 31 gets closer, we once again ask that, if you haven’t already, please join us in our noble cause of aiding more than 56,000 people in Whiteside County, from every walk of life, providing opportunities that would otherwise go unfunded.  Make a donation through us to one of our programs or agencies.  Your donation fuels our work and changes lives.

This year, experts say giving two years’ worth of donations now–to whomever you support–could ensure you get a tax break for your generosity.

Right now around the world, people are becoming more and more divided.  It will be individuals like you and charities like the United Way that become the bridge, leading the way, alleviating the burden of Government with our assistance.  With new tax laws, next year could be a letdown for charities like ours, if some donors no longer have the financial edge to which they’ve become accustomed.  We’re a little nervous about that, but with your continued support, we can go on changing lives and doing the right thing.

This December, please consider doing all that you can to help us help those in need.

Happy Holidays, all,

Diana Verhulst
CEO, United Way of Whiteside County

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