
Lions Centennial Brings Improvements to French Creek Park

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In 1917 a young Chicago, IL, businessman working in the insurance business, by the name of Melvin Jones, extended an invitation to delegations from various men’s clubs in the Chicago area.  On June 7, 1917, this group formed the start of Lions and coordinated efforts to serve community needs.  Clubs all over the world are marking the 100 year event, by completing a Legacy Project for their communities.  To mark this event locally, Morrison Lions formed a committee, and a study of City needs was completed.  The committee submitted several projects for consideration with one being City parks improvements.

Lion members voted to focus efforts at French Creek Park to install a new

  • metal roof to preserve the aging picnic pavilion
  • basketball hoop, to be located at the southeast corner of the parking lot.

Pictured left-to-right at the basketball goal are, in front, Aaron Johnson, Flora Stralow, Jim Blakemore, and Larry Olson; in back, Bob Smith, Jim Winslow, Leo the Lion (Darlene Smith), and Steve Wroble.


After City Council approval, materials were ordered.  With warm weather cooperating, work began on the roof project on Friday afternoon, October 20, 2017, and was completed on Saturday, October 21.  Lions Club members and non-Lion members from the community volunteered their time.  Morrison Lions Club members are grateful to Roger Smith of Shambaugh Construction for donating his time, giving advice and stopping by two times on Friday afternoon with additional guidance.  Along with club members Jim Blakemore, Kelvin Tenboer, Darlene Smith, Bob Countryman, Aaron Johnson, Trevan Burn, Steve Wroble, Jim Ridley, and Bob Smith, we welcomed help from community members Jim Strating, Ken Burn, Kollin Burn, and Rick Smith.

Travis McBride from the City of Morrison also provided support by coordinating the project.  This is a great example of community teamwork and support, from many great local people, to get a project completed.

Bob Countryman took the photograph of some of the volunteers after installation of the metal roof.  Left-to-right are Ken Burn, Jim Blakemore, Jim Strating, Rick Smith, Darlene Smith, Aaron Johnson, and Bob Smith.


The pavilion still needs maintenance–such as painting and minor repairs–that, hopefully, can be completed next spring.  It is the hope of our club that the pavilion and basketball goal will be used and enjoyed by all ages.

The week of November 13-19, 2017, was observed as “Worldwide Week of Service for Diabetes.”  Worldwide, Lions will be making important decisions about how to fight diabetes at their local level.  Diabetes is a leading cause of blindness.  Moving forward into the second 100 years, Lions International Foundation has selected diabetes as a new global service focus and an important addition to the Centennial Service Challenge.  Exercise is an important part in keeping healthy and an excellent way to control of diabetes.

Take heed, the Morrison Lions are challenging all ages to start an exercise program.  Get out and walk at one of the local parks.  If the weather is warm enough, try out the new French Creek Park basketball hoop like Leo the Lion!



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