Open Burning Regulations

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Editor’s note:  Morrison, IL, Police Chief Brian Melton posted this information on the City of Morrison Website.

FallenLeavesBranchesSince Autumn officially has begun, here is a brief summary of Ordinances regarding yard waste and open burning.

OPEN BURNING:  May occur only on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:00 p.m. to Sunset, and Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. to Sunset.  No burning on Halloween or during trick-or-treating.  Waste permitted to be burned must be generated on premise.  No burning may occur within six feet of any street or alley, or on any street, sidewalk, alley, or public ditch.  Burning must be constantly attended.  Burning cannot create a visibility hazard on public streets, alleys, sidewalks, etc.

When considering lawful open burning, please be conscientious of your neighbors and the general public.  Due to allergies, asthma, or other health issues, some individuals must alter their activities to avoid exposure to outdoor conditions due to open burning.

Editor’s note:  It is not possible to assess the health concerns of your surrounding neighbors. However, let’s assume someone nearby may have breathing problems aggravated by smoke.  Let’s assume, too, that you are willing to diminish their health difficulties while burning.  How?

  • Burn only on lawful days and times, so neighbors can close windows or be absent from their home to avoid the smoke.
  • Burn only on windless days, so smoke rises high, rather than blankets the neighborhood at ground/breathing level.
  • Burn only small piles at a time, so smoke dissipates quickly and fires do not smolder overnight.
  • Burn only dry material; wet leaves release carcinogens into the air and smolder for a long time.

POLLUTION OF WATER AND STREETS:  No person shall throw, place or deposit, or cause to be deposited any yard waste upon any street, alley, ditch, or public grounds, or upon any property of another.

YARD WASTE COLLECTION:  During October and November, yard waste collection is every Monday and Friday.  Waste must be curbside in approved containers or tied in bundles.

PENALTY:  Not less than $75 or more than $500 for each day a violation occurs.

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