City of Morrison Notice of Public Hearing

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in compliance with Chapter 62, Article XV, Section 62- 426 of the Morrison City Code, that a public hearing will be held before the Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Morrison on [Wednesday,] August 30, 2017, at 5:30 p.m., at City Hall, Lower Level Conference Room, 200 W. Main Street, Morrison, Illinois 61270.

The purpose of the public hearing will be to consider a recommendation to the City Council of Morrison for a proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance of the City of Morrison, specifically, Chapter 62, Article VI, Section 62-l 73(c)(3), governing special use permits for bars and taverns, to reduce the required setbacks from 500 feet from any residential district, religious institution, or school, to 100 feet from any residential district, religious institution, or school.

All persons desiring to be heard in support of or in opposition to the matter to be considered shall be afforded an opportunity, and may submit their statements orally or in writing, or both.

The hearing may be recessed to another date if not concluded on the scheduled date.

City of Morrison Planning and Zoning Board

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