
Growing Pride in the Community

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Have you noticed a little color has been added to the Morrison, IL, downtown area this season?  Due to a lot of hard work and collaboration from area organizations, the planters in front of businesses on Main Street have received a fresh coat of paint and new flowers.

Morrison Chamber of Commerce, 4-H Cottonwood and Federation groups, The Scotts Company, and Morrison True Value Hardware collaborated to provide volunteers and donations to make this project possible.  Businesses will help maintain the flowers through the summer.

“The 4-H members took on the project as part of the Cottonwood Club’s Grow Our Pride community service project,” explained Jean Eggemeyer, a club leader.  “The kids learn about citizenship and horticulture and really enjoy helping to beautify areas of town.””

Members of 4-H Federation–the Whiteside County-wide group for 12-to-18-year-olds–painted the planters on Main Street.  Pictured are Quinn James, left, and Lara Bielema.


Members of the 4-H Cottonwood Club then planted flowers. vPictured from left-to-right are Cole Short, Maddie Armitage, and Megan Folkers.


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