
Mennonites Complete Search & Rescue Training

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Recently, a local Mennonite Community from the Tampico, IL, area completed the rigorous certification task for “Rapid Response Search & Rescue,” sponsored by a Christian Aid Ministries program.  Illinois Unit #19 trains volunteers “to seek and save in wilderness, water, and disaster” situations. 

As stated in their brochure, “Our goal is to be an effective resource to assist local law enforcement, EMS, fire departments, park services, and other responsible agencies with searches.”

“Our Search & Rescue teams are mostly made up of individuals from the Amish and Mennonite communities, who are highly committed to help organize and perform searches.  We are able to be completely self-contained, which includes providing an Incident Commander.  Since our team is volunteer based, we do not charge for our services.  Our ultimate goal is to show the compassion and love of Christ to people in distress.”

This very dedicated group is willing and able to assist in any way possible.

Their information line 815-322-9232.  The didpatch line is 855-932-7832.


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