
Mill Flour Bake-Off 2017

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The Education Committee of de Immigrant Windmill Area will host its fifth annual baking competition.  Entries will be received on Tuesday, March 28, 2017, between 10:00 a.m. and noon.  Each entry will include two like items for submission.

  • One entry will be sold at a Bake Sale held during the final Wild Winter Wednesday, March 29, at the Windmill Cultural Center, 111 10th Avenue, Fulton, IL.
  • The other entry will be available for sampling and voting “Best of Show” on Wednesday, March 29, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.

This competition will feature adult entries only.  A children’s bake-off is planned for Fulton’s Fall Festival.

The $10 entry fee includes a bag of windmill flour of choice.  Nine different types of flour are available at de Immigrant Windmill.  Bakers may choose from

  • wheat ground as fine, cracked, or unsifted
  • rye ground as fine, unsifted, or cracked
  • buckwheat ground fine
  • flax
  • corn meal.

Print the Entry Form at the bottom of the page.  Entry forms also may be picked up at the Windmill Cultural Center in Fulton any Wednesday, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., prior to March 28.

For information on the Bake-Off call Betty Wiebenga at 815-589-3671.  Judges from the 2016 event are shown below.


ADULT ENTRY BLANK de Immigrant Windmill Flour Bake-Off and Bake Sale

March 29, 2017, Fulton, IL

Participant Name:  ________________________________________

Address:  _______________________________________________

Phone:  Home ______________________ Cell __________________________

Category:  ( check which flour was used.)

Wheat–Cracked____ Unsifted____ Fine____   Rye–Cracked____ Unsifted____ Fine____  Buckwheat____ Flax____ Corn Meal____

Rules of Participation:

  • $10 per entry (includes a bag of mill flour of choice per entry.)
  • 2 of same item submitted per entry (one for sampling, one for sale.)
  • de Immigrant flour must be an ingredient.
  • Entries must be on a disposable plate.
  • Entries must be covered with plastic wrap or in a zip-lock bag.
  • Entries must be table ready and require no heat or refrigeration.
  • Recipes must accompany entries and become the property of WCC.

Entries are due at WCC on Tuesday, March 28, between 10:00 a.m. and noon.  Please bring this completed form eith your entry.

RecipeTitle :  _________________________________________

Ingredients:  _________________________________________________
















Oven Temp: ________         Bake Time: ________

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