
Harvey Zuidema Named Morrison “Citizen of the Year”

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ZuidemaAwardHarvey Zuidema was the first recipient of the new Morrison Chamber of Commerce “Citizen of the Year Award.”  He was presented the recognition at the Chamber’s Networking Event and Annual Meeting, held Thursday, January 26, 2017, at Morrison Institute of Technology, 701 Portland Avenue, Morrison, IL.

Zuidema, left, is shown with his son, Dean Zuidema.

The award program was instituted, and will be presented annually, to recognize individuals whose volunteerism, commitment, and outstanding service have made a significant difference in the community.

Zuidema was nominated for his passion for preserving the memories of Morrison, the town where he grew up.  He is a dedicated, “hands-on” worker and long-time volunteer with Morrison Historical Society, helping with guided tours, restoring and preserving artifacts, and serving as Board President for the Society.

Zuidema has also been instrumental in the effort to restore the historic Annan Grist Mill, located on the west edge of town. 

He recently completed his four-year term as a Ward 2 City Alderman and is running for re-election–again demonstrating his commitment to building the community.

“Harvey Zuidema is a wonderful example of the positive impact that one driven and committed individual can make for a community,” said Katie Selburg, Morrison Chamber of Commerce Board President. “We congratulate him on his accomplishments and look forward to the results of his continuing efforts.”

Four other nominees for the award were recognized and congratulated at the event: Diane Garcia, Lynn and Kevin Kenady, Jim Prombo, and Jim Workman.  Their broad contributions include support for Morrison schools, community beautification, economic development investments, and community vitality.

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