Van Dykes Donate Creche to Methodist Church

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Sunday, November 27, 2016, marked the first Sunday of Advent.  This period begins four Sundays before Christmas and is observed in commemoration of the coming of Christ into the world.

On that day, after the “Hanging of the Greens” ceremony at Morrison United Methodist Church, 200 W.  Lincolnway, Morrison, IL, a glorious symbol of the Christmas season was installed outside the church.  Members Vernon and Michelle Van Dyke had donated a ten-piece, resin creche scene.  Nine-of-ten pieces were installed among the dried hydrangeas on Sunday, on the south side of the church, with visibility for drivers along U. S. Route 30.

A shepherd is shown with three animals.  The Holy Family is watched over by an angel.  Three Wise Men literally approach from the east.  The manger lies empty until Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 24.  Pastor Ryan Sutton placed a laminated notice to walkers that the manger deliberately was left empty.  

“Do not worry.  Jesus will be here on his birthday,” it reads.  He stated Christmas day begins hours ahead of local time.  When Christmas Eve church services are held at 4:00 and 7:00 p.m., it will be Christmas–elsewhere.  That is when the Christ child will be placed into the manger.  

Michelle Van Dyke stated they purchased the set last year and used it at home.  It was, however, a problem to store during the next months.  The couple knew Church Trustees were planning to purchase a large creche, so they offered theirs.

Their Christmas gift to the congregation can be enjoyed by the entire community, visitors, and passers-by.  It truly reflects the holiday spirit of giving.


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