November 14 City Council Report

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On Monday, November 14, 2016, the City of Morrison Council meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. at Morrison’s Heritage Museum, 202 E. Lincolnway, Morrison, IL.  Mayor Everett Pannier called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., thanking “Morrison Historical Society for hosting the meeting and [providing] all the cookies.”  He called for adjournment at 7:18.  The Council members heard a short presentation by MHS Board President Harvey Zuidema and then toured the 1864 facility.   In attendance were City Clerk Melanie Schroeder, City Administrator Barry Dykhuizen; Treasurer Evan Haag, Public Works Director Gary Tresenriter, Chief of Police Brian Melton; Aldermen Curt Bender, Arlyn Deets, Dale Eizenga, Dave Helms, Kenneth Mahaffey, Vernon Tervelt, Mick Welding, and Harvey Zuidema.  In addition to Zuidema, eight members of MHS attended.

During the Report of City Officers and Department Heads Tresenriter reported on advancements at the Waste Water Treatment Plant.  He stated contractors installed a liner in the overflow pond.  The road has been surfaced with gravel; asphalt will be applied in the spring.  Aero-Mod building equipment is coming, over the next month or so.  There is a week of work left on the Screening/Grit building before roofers take over.  Phase 2, at Waterworks Park, is on schedule.  A firm is about to begin construction of the new, 30′ deep Lift Station, and a second crew will lay pipe.  Welding commended “the Morrison Police Department, who handed out candy on Hallowe’en.  Parents really appreciated that.” 

Consent Agenda items were approved without discussion.  CA Dykhuizen commented that Bills Payable is subject to “a new software format.  This is a cleaner and easier to understand list.  It is the third or fourth day of training and seems to be going well.”
     1. October 24, 2016 Public Hearing and Regular Session Minutes
     2. Bills Payable of $115,151.38
     3. October 2016 Treasurer’s Report
     4. Waste Water Treatment Plant Request for Loan Disbursement #12/Application for Payment #11

Items for Consideration and Possible Action were all approved.  CA Dykhuizen commented on each item before the vote. 
     1. 2016 Annual Tax Levy, Approval of Preliminary Ordinance Draft–“Over the last three or four years, the City’s valuations have held steady and increased a little.  This is a good sign.”
     2. Ordinance #16-19, Approving Recommendation of the Revolving Loan Fund Loan Administration Board for Loan to K/K Inc. II D/B/A Happy Joe’s–“The Revolving Loan Committee met with Lynn Kenady and [Attorney] Tim [Zollinger].  Loan documents are being reviewed, for a $100,000 loan request.  Over $300,000 is in the Revolving Loan Fund.  [The Kenadys will pay] 3% interest over 20 years.”
     3. Resolution #16-09, Regulating Control of Travel Expenses–“Legislation passed last year said we need a policy for reimbursement.  The City had one in place.  Most requests are for meetings, conferences, and hotels.  We must adapt our Handbook by January 1[, 2017].”
     4. Grant of Easement to Nicor Gas–“This document is to bring gas onto the [Waste Water Treatment Plant] site.”  Tresenriter added, “The gas main extends 260′ onto our property.  It is not in the right-of-way, so we need an easement.”

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