Odell Thanks Donators and Buyers

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poetryOdell Public Library’s annual Book and Bake Sale realized a net profit of $2000.  The Friends of Odell Public Library thank everyone who brought in baked goods for the Bake Sale and the many people who donated gently-used books for the Book Sale.

Said Treasurer Barb Peterson, “We thank the multitude of shoppers who bought on Saturday.  It was so gratifying to have so many people come, peruse, and buy.”

“The room was truly a sea of books,” said Friends’ member Jan Horberg.

If you missed the sale, the Community Room was packed with books, books, and more books!  Everything from books for babies to cookbooks, current fiction, coffee table books, travel, sports, biography, and history was available.

Fortunately, the sale continues until through Saturday, November 19, 2016, inside Odell Public Library, 307 S. Madison Street, Morrison, IL.  Unsold books are now being sold at $2 a bag.

So, for those who missed the sale or who would like to find more treasures, visit Odell during normal open hours.

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