Winners of Crime Stoppers Board Raffle

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In mid-August, a draw-down raffle was begun to benefit Whiteside County Crime Stoppers.  Sheriff Kelly Wilhelmi explained, “We will sell only 100 tickets at $50 each and pay out ten places, for a total of $2500.  The ten places are as follows:  $600, $500, $400, $300, $200, and five prizes of $100.  Supporters have a 1-in-10 chance of a least doubling their money.  That is a lot better odds than the Lottery!”

“Modern Woodmen of America will grant match the $2500 profit that the Crime Stoppers Board makes, so the actual funds we net will be $5000.  This money will go a long way towards helping us fight crime.”

All tickets were sold, and Sheriff Wilhelmi arrayed them prior to the 9:00 a.m. drawing on Tuesday, October 4, 2016, at WSDR radio station in Sterling, IL.  In attendance was Glenda Bruins, who facilitated the matching funds, from Modern Woodman Fraternal Financial.  She stated the funds would  be used “to purchase educational materials.”


On the first Tuesday of the month, the Sheriff is interviewed by Brian Zschesche, to publicize the importance of the Crime Stoppers program.  Zschiesche was unable to attend; Cathy Verhulst was on air.  Mary Carlson, WSDR, drew the following ten names. 

$100:  Bob Sondgeroth; Everett Pannier; Doug Coppotelli; Nathan Fellows; Andy Henson.

$200:  Bob Kloman, Rock Falls, IL

$300:  Alex Chavira

$400:  Senior Advocate Center Chartered (SACC Food Pantry), Sterling, IL

$500:  Manny Castro, Savanna, IL

$600:  Carl Nelson, Sterling, IL.

“I want to thank everybody that bought a ticket,” said Sheriff Wilhelmi.  “I know $50 is quite expensive.  It goes to a noble cause.”  He will mail or hand deliver the checks to the winners. 

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