Pleasant View Residents Paint Fire Hydrant

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Morrison Chamber of Commerce established a beautification project which focused on citizen participation  It was a success on Saturday, September 10, 2016, because 25-to-30 people came to the Chamber office, 221 W. Main Street, Morrison, to pick up “fire engine red” paint and supplies designed to freshen the City fire hydrants.  Over 40 hydrants were painted in this first wave of volunteerism.  Since then, several others have obtained the painting supplies, in order to paint at their convenience.

One such group was residents of Pleasant View Rehabilitation & Health Care Center, 500 N. Jackson Street, Morrison.  At about 10:00 a.m., on Thursday, September 22, four individuals joined Maintenance Director Tom Robbins outside the facility.  They prepared and painted the hydrant near the corner of N. Jackson Street and Kimmel Drive.

Shown left-to-right are Irene Considine, Harvey Schroeder (seated), John Brodrecht (kneeling), Pat Green, and Robbins (kneeling.)


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