New Windows Installed in Annan Mill

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Nineteen Annan Mill windows are in the process of being replaced, financed by 19 generous donors/families.  To honor these benefactors, each will have a name plate attached in the sandstone building’s interior.  About half the windows were installed on three sides of the historic grist mill, on Tuesday, September 13, 2016.  The remainder will be finished over the next few days.

Editor’s note: The final windows were intalled on Wednesday, September 14.


Morrison Historical Society President Harvey Zuidema stated that keeping out the large numbers of insects was a reason to replace the old windows, as was energy efficiency and low maintenance.  Scraping and painting third-story windows and those on the Rock Creek would have been difficult to tend. 

Annan Mill construction began in 1858.  The business opened in December 1859 and was a success until 1942.  The new window design is a replica of the original, “12-over-12” mill windows, but fabricated from modern materials.  An unknown previous owner painted the trim barn red–maroon–brick red.  A similar color was chosen by the Historical Society Building and Grounds Committee.

Care was taken to preserve the original wooden windows.  They will be stored offsite.

As sundown arrived, Zuidema returned one candle to a window sill.  Soon each opening will be illuminated, as was the charming custom of former resident owners Ted and Jackie Tilton.


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