Watch Out for “Smash and Grab” Burglary

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SandGBricksWhiteside County Sheriff Kelly Wilhelmi wants to alert residents and businesses to “smash and grab” burglaries taking place in the area.

Characteristics of a “smash and grab” are speed and surprise.  A “smash and grab” involves smashing a barrier, usually a window in a shop or a showcase, grabbing valuables, and making a quick getaway.

On Tuesday, September 5, 2016, a Mendota, IL, business was the victim of a “smash and grab” burglary.  This event was caught on camera.  The vehicle was a dark colored, four-door, passenger car with a male driver.  The driver smashed the glass front door with an unknown object, entered the business, and proceeded to carry out equipment.  Total time in the business was less than two minutes.

“Smash and grabs” can occur in broad daylight or at night; where streets are poorly lit; in unobserved areas.  Some have involved ramming a pickup truck through the walls of a convenience store or gas station, to remove the ATM machine from the premises and recover the cash later.

Sheriff Wilhelmi wants to remind the public to call 9-1-1 to report suspicious vehicles around business at night or after hours.


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