2016 Paint the Town Theme: Art Matters

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The Paint the Town committee recently announced the theme for the 2016 Paint The Town has been selected as “Art Matters”. These two words as a stand alone say very little, but once one reaches beyond the words and finds a concept that becomes all inclusive, they expand to become a part of your life.

Art has stirred the imagination of nations from the earliest of times. Art has defined the past and recreated events that otherwise would have gone unnoticed. Art has allowed us to view lifestyles and lives of generations past. Art has captured events that have changed the world and caused leaders to weep. Art has allowed disadvantaged individuals an opportunity to rise above the negative. Painted smiles on canvas have formed smiles on lives lived in poverty. The list of effects that art has on an individual life is endless and the “Art Matters” activities surrounding Morrison is capable of having similar effects on a community.

Morrison and the surrounding communities are the home for talent of all ages. The schools have hallway walls covered with individuals’ interpretation of life. Paint The Town allows anyone with an imagination the canvas for exposing one’s interest in communicating without being vocal. Telling a story without opening a book and presenting an idea without worrying about reprisals. When the “Art Matters” images associated with the upcoming Paint The Town begin to appear, we challenge you to look around and notice all of the different types of art that surround you on a daily basis. How does art effect your day, your attitude, your decision making and why?

Art Matters will be the theme for Morrison’s Paint The Town this summer, but it should remain a focus for raising the youth of our community, and forming an image for the future of Morrison.

 Paint the Town in Morrison will be held on Saturday, September 17, downtown Morrison, IL.  Corporate sponsorships are currently being accepted.  Visit www.paintthetownmorrison.com to learn more!


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