Four Morrison Women to be Honored by The Pink Heals Tour

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PinkHealsHugAbout 9:00 a.m. on Friday, July 29, 2016, the Pink Heals Tour will roll into the Morrison Community Hospital parking lot, 303 N. Jackson Street, Morrison, IL, to uplift four local women who have had cancer or are in remission.  Morrison Police Chief Brian Melton will lead some of the tour members to meet Sandy Grau, Bonnie Phend, and Karen Zuidema.  They should return about 10:00, when Shannon Huizenga will be greeted.

Learn more about this unique organization below.  MCH is not hosting a fund raiser in conjunction with the Pink Heals Tour.

Our organization started in 2007 to help people battling cancer, with a focus on women and what they mean to us in our daily lives.

The Pink Heals Tour and the “Cares Enough to Wear Pink” Mission Statement says, “We drive pink fire trucks and pink police cars across America bringing the “Cares Enough to Wear Pink” and Pink Heals Movement to a city near you.  We simply provide a program for your community leaders to adopt, helping them fund raise for people rather than causes.  We focus our labor of love on the women of this Country and wage war on anything that may harm her or her family.

Dave Graybill stated, “The Pink Heals Tour and the “Cares Enough to Wear Pink” program is about our community, our family, our neighbors, and our leaders and how it will help bring us back together to focus on our own people now, rather than on promises that were never kept, opportunities that were lost, and things that might have been.  Pink will heal as long as we do it in service to our women and what they mean to us in our communities, not just because they are sick or struggling with adversity.  For if we use illness as the sole motivation for action, once the sickness is gone, so is the reason for coming together.”

We have taken the theme of the Public Safety with pink fire trucks and pink police cars to serve our community by putting people first instead of causes.  We believe that money raised in our communities, counties and states should remain there, giving us the option to either put it towards research or deliver one hundred percent of the money generated by fundraisers to the people that need it most.

We believe that too many large, corporate charities use a labor of love to raise money to sustain their own organization, with little left to actually go to the people that are battling this horrible disease.

We’re one of the only charities that help other charities and tax based organizations raise money with our brand, without having to control the fundraising dollars.  Our goal at the national level is to create chapters to help implement this program in each one of our communities throughout the Country.  One hundred percent of the money donated to each…of our chapters goes back to the public, either by way of local charity or actual people in need of help.

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