Postmaster Stamps Out Employee Hunger

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It is always a treat to have your breakfast or lunch prepared, even more so when “the boss” does it.  On Saturday, May 14, 2016, Postmaster Bill Borum cooked pancakes for his staff, from the north loading dock of the Post Office, 226 W. Main Street, Morrison, IL.  The menu also included doughnuts, orange juice, milk, and coffee.  He manned the grill again before noon, to prepare hot dogs and hamburgers.  Customer Service Supervisor Brandon Hatteberg assisted.

“I’ve done breakfast pizza and pizzas a couple of times,” he stated.

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Borum’s special service was “to celebrate the staff and show appreciation for their helping in a great food drive.”  Today is the Help Stamp Out Hunger Nationwide Annual Letter Carrier Food Drive.  “The staff works extra to pick up food and cleaning supplies,” which will be donated to Morrison Friends Food Pantry.

“Ron Wiersema [and two grandsons are] helping to pick up items [left at mailboxes] for the carriers,” added Borum.  Wiersema is a retired Postal employee, but he remains part-time janitor.  He volunteers at the local food pantry.

Borum has 29 employees; some are substitutes.  They work “a 13 hour operation, Monday through Friday from 4:00 a.m. to a little after 5:15 p.m.  Saturday clerks go home at noon; some come in at 4:00 and 6:00 p.m.”

He stated the Morrison Post Office delivers mail locally and to Erie, Fenton, and Prophetstown, IL, “6000 pieces a day.  We drive 1000 miles a day.”   Ninety-seven percent of the mail comes presorted from Milan, IL, using DPS–Delivery Point Sequence.

“It’s an amazing organization we have,” Borman commented, “and the volume we deliver–for free” six days a week.  “That’s our complete edge, because UPS doesn’t do a Saturday delivery.”

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