American Legion Post #328 in Morrison, IL, has embarked on an effort to raise at least $15,000. The members will purchase four stone tablets for the Veterans Memorial Park, at Grove Hill Cemetery in Morrison. As of Saturday, May 14, they nearly have reached the 20% mark, with donations at $2900. Future pledged donations have been made by Morrison Lions and Rotary Clubs.
Terry Jones stated the tablets will be ordered when half the money has been raised ($7500.) It takes six months for them to arrive.
Each black granite tablet will be engraved with approximately 90 names, per side, to commemorate Morrison area veterans who served their Country honorably. Moore Monument & Granite Company of Sterling, IL, will incise the names.
Tax free donations can be
- taken to City Hall, 200 W. Main Street, Morrison
- mailed to Tablet Project, American Legion Post #328, P. O. Box 322, Morrison, IL 61270-0322.
Questions can be directed to Jones at 815-499-6288.