Historic Preservation Expert Returns to Morrison

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HPC postoffice

On Tuesday, April 26, 2016, the Morrison Historic Preservation Commission will host Darius Bryjka, a Project Designer with the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency.  Bryjka has been in Morrison before, to assist the Commission. 

He is shown far right in 2013 with HPC members Sharon Moore, Bill Shirk, Tim Slavin, Lonnie Rice, and Bob Vaughn.

Bryjka will be here the afternoon of April 26 to meet with local property owners to consult on restoring properties within the Historic District.  His expertise is in

  • architecture and tax incentives
  • architectural design review
  • historic tax credits
  • property tax freeze
  • technical and design assistance.

If you own property within the Historic District and have an interest in meeting with him that afternoon, please contact Kim Ewoldsen at 815-772-3757 or director@morrisonareadevelopment.com to reserve a time.

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