Lions Club Members Completed Annual Rose Day Sale

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Morrison Lions Club members were busy on Good Friday, March 25, 2016, delivering 400 dozen roses to members of the community.  Your support of this annual fundraiser is very much appreciated.  Funds are used to support the annual scholarship award and vision and hearing needs in our community.  

The club voted to make an annual donation to the Lions of Illinois Foundation for Diabetes.  This disease is a leading cause of blindness.  The club also approved a request for glasses.  Morrison Lions Club will sponsor the Diabetic Retinopathy Vision Screening bus.  A firm date has not been confirmed but probably will be during July.  This is totally free and we urge residents to take advantage of the service.  Watch for further information after a firm date has been selected.

KophamerAllenMartha Kophamer, left, was in charge of the program for Tuesday, March 1;  she introduced Andrea Allen, Morrison School Nurse, at right.  Allen reiterated how she appreciates the carrying case for the vision machine and the otoscope that our club purchased, with funds received from the Vivian Tenboer memorial.  She discussed vision and hearing screenings done during the school year.  Much of the screenings are mandated by the State, which then entails reports to be completed and submitted.  When children need assistance in securing glasses, she refers them to the CGH Eyeglasses for Kids program.  Our club, in turn, contributes to this program on an annual basis.  Paperwork is a big part of her job, from the vision and hearing, to keeping track of students’ immunizations and physicals.  Allen also feels there are more children with major health issues and severe allergies.  A question and answer time followed her presentation.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 5.  Keith Hamstra will be in charge of the program.  The speaker will be Mike Senneff from Fulton, IL.  He will present a program on PFC Henry Dornbush who lived in Fulton.  Dornbush and his best friend were drafted on the same day.  We have had programs by Senneff previously, and they all are very interesting.

Morrison Lions Club meets on the first and third Tuesday each month at Happy Joe’s, 109 W. Main Street, Morrison, at noon.  All are welcome to come to our meetings to learn more about Lions.  You may also visit our website at

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