MHS Principal David Mills

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Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey produced this feature.

As the 2023-2024 school year approaches, the many details of preparation are finalized. Leadership positions are ready for the challenges and excitement that accompany the youth of today.  Morrison High School will open its classrooms with a new name above the door to the Principal’s office.  It will read “David Mills, Principal.”

David was born in Central Illinois and grew up in the community of Lincoln. He comes to Morrison following administrative responsibilities at Alwood Middle School in Woodhull, IL, (11 years) and Silvis Elementary (five years.)

Believing that high school-aged kids “are truly amazing” and realizing how they can “amaze you in many ways,” he views the role of Administrator as a position “to serve.” To serve as the situation dictates, he feels his presence must be felt, and that his “boots-on-the-ground” approach must be a constant effort. That is so, the students and staff can anticipate his presence and participation in all interactions as needed.

“Safety, security, and behavior within the building is my responsibility, and I can not control those factors from an office,” noted Principal Mills.

Mills added, “I take the role of Dad with all kids.  I tell the kids exactly what I mean, and it is up to them how they wish to respond.”

Away from the school environment, David actively participates in competitive Basketball games. He golfs recreationally when he is not supporting his family of four (Payton, 9th grade; Claire, 7th grade; Grace, 5th grade; and Dylan, 3rd grade.) 

Morrison is glad to welcome David Mills to the MCUD6 School District and looks forward to any and all successes that he may orchestrate, as the Principal of Morrison High School.