
Logan Wheeler State 4-H Scholarship Winner

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The career achievements of Illinois 4-H members were celebrated at a virtual ceremony Saturday, April 10, 2021, where $45,000 in scholarships were awarded by the Illinois 4-H Foundation.  With the unique circumstances of this past year, recipients overcame many challenges on the way to these achievements.  The Illinois 4-H Foundation raises private and corporate funds to support the Illinois 4-H program.

“We are so lucky to have such a strong network of donors that deeply value education,” stated Angie Barnard, Foundation Executive Director.

LoganWheelerNutritionScholarshipForty-five young adults were chosen as scholarship winners in one-of-nine divisions of the State 4-H Award.  Each received a $1000 scholarship.  Local Whiteside County 4-H member Logan Wheeler was recipient of the Healthy Living & Nutrition Scholarship.  That award focuses on youth who are helping their communities make healthy decisions and lead healthy lifestyles.  This award is sponsored by Pat Clickener, Donna Mueller, and Kevin and Janette Rhoades.

“This was a year that none of us could have imagined, and these young men and women did not allow even a global pandemic get in the way of achieving their goals,” said Lisa Diaz, University of Illinois Extension Assistant Dean and 4-H Director.  “In fact, we saw the opposite.  These 4-H youth pivoted, innovated, and rose to the occasion in a way that surpassed…our expectations.  They have demonstrated the 4-H spirit of service, dedication, and resilience throughout this past year.  As new challenges presented themselves, they stepped up to rise to the occasion.  Their awards celebrate hard work and goals being attained.”

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