Three Whiteside County 4-H members were awarded 4-H Support Fund scholarships, in recognition of their commitment to 4-H and its values. All three awardees have been 4-H members from a young age. They participated in various project areas and activities, including Livestock, Veterinary Science, Crop Sciences, Visual Arts, Natural Resources, Child Development, and 4-H Federation. Two young women serve as 4-H camp Counselors.
Gordon Kelm, Support Fund member and 50-year 4-H Volunteer, presented the awards to Morrison High School graduating Seniors, left-to-right, Hannah Zinke, Katie Eggemeyer, and Marissa Folkers, at the school’s Honors Night presentation on Wednesday, May 10, 2023.
For more information about 4-H, contact the Whiteside Extension Office at 815-632-3611.