The following service organizations and residential care facilities in Morrison, IL, invite families to attend 2024 Easter Egg Hunts. Bring a container for each child and a means to photograph the fun.

Kiwanis Club/MHS Key Club will hold the annual Easter Egg Hunt at Kiwanis Park, in the 700 block of N. Genesee Street, on Saturday, March 23, for all area children through age nine. The event is free, and there is no registration. Hand sanitation stations are available. There are four age groups: 2 and under with a parent; 3 and 4; 5 and 6; 7-to-9. Morrison Fire Department will deliver Easter Bunny at 10:00 a.m. There will be an opportunity to capture a Bunny photo, after all age groups have participated. Egg hunts begin at 10:00. Please empty eggs to check for paper prize notices. Easter Bunny will present special baskets, to children who have a paper slip in their egg, stating they have won a basket. Some eggs contain a coupon for special treats at DQ Grill & Chill, Family Chef Restaurant, Happy Joe’s Pizza, and McDonald’s. For children who cannot have sweets, toys will be available, courtesy of Katheryn Frederick. Return plastic eggs to Kiwanis containers for recycling next year.

Homestead of Morrison, 403 Scenic Street (formerly Windsor Manor Assisted Living Community), invites children ages 0-to-12 to an Easter Egg Hunt, at 3:00 p.m., on Good Friday, March 29. Gather on the back patio to be split into three age groups: 0-3, 4-8, and 9-12. Each group will have a chance to win a bicycle donated by Farmers National Bank in Morrison. Open all the eggs gathered, in search of one Prize Note per age group. Easter Bunny will pose for photographs taken by family members.
Resthave Care & Rehabilitation, 408 Maple Avenue, hosts their annual Resthave Easter Egg Hunt outdoors, on the front lawn, on Good Friday, March 29, starting at 2:00 p.m. Hunts will be divided by age groups: 0-to-3; 4-to-6; 7 and older. Special Guest Mr. Easter Bunny will pose for photographs, with a backdrop available. Adults may register their boys’ and girls’ names for two bikes and a tricycle, courtesy of Farmers National Bank in Morrison. Open all the eggs gathered, in search of one Golden Ticket per age group; turn it in for an extra-special prize.
Pleasant View Rehabilitation & Health Care Center, 500 N. Jackson Street, will hold their annual Pleasant View Easter Egg Hunt, on Saturday, March 30. Hunts begin at 11:00 a.m., with areas set for different ages: 0 to 3; 4 to 8; 9 and older. Some eggs will contain notes about special gifts and certificates. The Easter Bunny will be available to pose for family-taken pictures.