Written and photo by Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey. Misspelled names have been corrected.
The Morrison High School 2023 Homecoming Court and attendants were announced at a student rally on Friday, September 22, 2023. They will reign throughout the events related to Homecoming the week of Monday, September 25, through Friday, September 29. The King and Queen will be crowned at THUSE on Thursday, September 28.
Freshmen Attendants: Left of sign, left-to-right–Lexy Ingram/Josh McDearmon
Sophomore Attendants: Left of sign, left-to-right–Bella Scachette/Carson White
Junior Attendants: Left of sign, left-to-right–Paige Leighton/Isaiah McDearmon
Senior Court: Right of sign, left-to-right,
Cooper Bush/Kaylynn Alfrejd
Camden Pruis/Cambell Buikema
Carson Strating/Peyton Emerson
Chase Newman/Geneva Connelly
Karder White/Sarah Weston.