2022 Junior High Promotion

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Morrison Community Unit School District #6 conducted the Sixty-Third Annual Promotional Exercises, on Thursday, May 26, 2022, in the Morrison High School Auditorium. The 700-seat venue was nearly filled with family members and friends, of 78 enrolled Eighth Graders. Five of them were not in attendance.

Promptly at 7:00 p.m., sounds of “Pomp and Circumstance” softly began. The stirring processional drew students single-file–listed in reverse alphabetical order–across the auditorium and onto the stage risers.

Superintendent of Schools Scott Vance addressed students and guests. Korey Zigler, Service Officer of Morrison American Legion Post 328 presented two American Legion Awards. Sarah Wetzell and Sammy Williams received medals. Students were nominated, and the list was pared down by the Administration. Teachers and student peers voted for those who best exemplify the qualities of honor, courage, scholarship, leadership, and service.

Junior High School Principal Joe Robbins conferred two President’s Awards. The President’s Award for Educational Achievement is given to students who demonstrate unusual commitment to learning in academics, despite various obstacles. They must maintain a school record that would have met the school’s selection criteria for the President’s Award for Educational Excellence, but illness, personal crisis, or special needs prevented the student from maintaining such high standards, despite hard work. Recipients were Naomi Kershaw and Elizabeth Vance.

To receive the President’s Award for Educational Excellence, students must meet a minimum Grade Point Average of 3.5. They must reach certain levels on State tests, or receive a recommendation from a teacher, and show a strong production of academic excellence. Twenty-nine percent of the class met the criteria. Principal Robbins congratulated 21 boys and girls who qualified for the President’s Award for Educational Excellence.

Toni Milnes, Vice President, CFO and Cashier, Clinton National Bank, addressed the class. She encouraged them to try new things in High School, that might be difficult at first. She used herself as an example of someone who had to learn to conduct public speaking. Junior High History Teacher Mark Ernst shared remarks about the class’s various attributes and personalities and then officially presented them to High School Principal Cory Bielema.

Superintendent Vance and School Board President Jim Ridley presented each student with their Certificate of Promotion. Annabelle Blevins extended a big smile and her hand, as she came forward to shake the Superintendent’s hand and receive her envelope from President Ridley. Vance’s daughter, Elizabeth, also received an affectionate hug and exclaimed, “Thanks, Dad!”

The strains of “Pomp and Circumstance” signaled a departure from Junior High life. People lingered to share this milestone, gathering in small groups in the Cafeteria or outside in the early evening.

Morrison Junior High School Class of 2022 is prepared for the next step in their educational journeys.  Entering Morrison High School in August as Freshmen, they are now the MHS Class of 2026.