
2019 Thomson Outhouse Races are Back!

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outhouse2With a successful 2018 behind them, the Thomson Depot Museum Committee met recently to prepare for a new year.  Officers for 2019 were elected:  Co-Presidents Lawrence and Luanne Bruckner; Vice President, Val DeSpain; Secretary, Angie Taylor; Treasurer, Vicky Trager.  Directors will be Jan Bristol, Lewis Frosch, and Roberta Sikkema.

It was passed unanimously to have Depot Days on Saturday, September 21.  Many activites and fundraising ideas were discussed; input from the community also will be requested.  Outhouse races were approved.  All organizations will be contacted to create projects or events during that day.  A ball tournament was discussed, and various feelers are being spread in the community for a sponsor.


Possible grants, various individuals, and foundations were mentioned to raise funds.  The Grant Writing committee was assigned to apply for as many as possible, to help with the cost of repairing the bathroom wall and siding and painting for next spring.

The cataloging and review of gifts and loans was discussed.  A goal for 2019 will be to verify and update all information.  Digitalizing will be examined.  Shelves for the school display are needed to house trophies.  These will be purchased.

The Committee set the second Tuesday evening of each month as the meeting date, commencing February 12, at 6:30 p.m., in the Village Hall.  Layout and event planning for September 21 Depot Days will be discussed as well as fund raising.  Anyone is welcome.

Committee appointments for the coming year were as follows:

  • Maintenance, Val DeSpain, Jan Bristol, Lewis Frosch, with two others to be asked
  • Publicity, Jan Bristol and Luanne Bruckner
  • Landscaping and Groundkeeper, Donna Diephuis
  • Host/Hostess, Lewis Frosch, with volunteers to be asked
  • Grant Writing, Vicky Trager, Jan Bristol, and Luanne Bruckner, with Lawrence Bruckner assisting.

Volunteers are needed to bring this community treasure back to life.  Contract Luanne Bruckner at lubuckner49@gmail.com or Vicky Trager at the Village Hall.

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