
2018 Homecoming Parade Photos

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Despite a light drizzle at the 3:00 p.m. start time, on Friday, September 28, 2018, the Morrison Homecoming Parade processed west along Main Street.  It was viewed by plenty of interested citizens.  Below are 19 snapshots from a large group of entries.  Eleven show teams in six sports.  Athleticism runs deep in Morrison, IL.  Many entries that support sports participated, including businesses, service organizations, and Morrison Community Hospital EMS, among others.

Morrison Chief of Police Brian Melton led the procession in a new, 2018, Dodge Charger squad car.  Installation of special equipment was completed two weeks earlier, on Friday, September 14.  He was accompanied by two, five-year-old, local lads.  Jeg Weets, left, is the son of Brad and Jenna Weets.  Jackson Vance is the son of Superintendent of Schools Scott and Danielle Vance.


Behind the Police escort came the American Legion Color Guard.  Members left-to-right were Sergeant at Arms Jerry Brearton, Jim Prombo, Mike Allen, Ken Petersen, and Larry Zuidema.


Superintendent Vance and High School Principal Kay Harwood were transported by Mark Schuler.  His 1914 Dodge Brothers vehicle has been in countless parades in all types of weather.  It probably could steer itself along the route!


Boys in Cub Scout Pack 328 borrowed this canoe from older Boy Scouts in Troop 96.


Daisy, Brownie, Junior, and Cadette Girl Scouts are members of Troop 1504.  They brought lots of candy to toss to children.


Three representatives of Pleasant View Rehabilitation & Health Care Center, 500 N. Jackson Street, Morrison, also gave out treats.  Left-to-right, these women led the Pleasant View vehicle:  Administrator Kourtney Williams; LPN and MDS Coordinator Holli Olson; Housekeeping Supervisor Melinda Bender.


Two entries represented Morrison Fury, a Girls Softball team.  Some girls walked, wearing and carrying sports equipment.  Others rode a float.  Both pitched candy to the crowd.



Three floats showed Morrison Jr. Tackle football teams.  These are boys in grades 5, 6, and 7, respectively.  There is no 8th grade team this year.


Ten Fillies Swim Team members rode in a pickup truck.


So did three Golf Team members.


A large Fresh/Soph Volleyball team required a float.


Morrison Future Farmers of America transported a “mascot,” member Hannah Linder’s Holstein calf.  Barely visible under an umbrella, Liberty was born a month ago, at the Whiteside County Fair.


Homecoming royalty shared this Mustang-red convertible.  Left-to-right in back are Queen Claire Coons and King Jared Schlegel.  In front are Princess Leah Huizenga and Prince Cole Milnes.


Sandy Prescott took this photo of her father, Vernon Griffith, riding with Polly Klimson’s mother, Verna Snyder.  Griffith and Snyder were chosen as Nursing Homecoming King and Queen, respectively, from Resthave Home.


Similar to Santa and Mrs. Claus concluding the Illuminated Christmas Walk Parades, Homecoming Parades save the Fresh/Soph Ponies and Varsity Mustangs Football teams, respectively, for the finale.  Each was escorted atop a Morrison Fire Department Tanker, complete with lights and sirens.


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