2009 Year in Review

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Teaser weather. We began last week with some beautiful weather. The kind that makes you want to play hooky from work, and just walk around with your hands in your pockets. No cares. No worries. I’m ready for the change of season more than I ever have been. Bring it on Mother Nature!

I am always open to hearing the opinions of others. However, sometimes I think people stop me to talk, and think that I am going to rewrite a story based on their opinions or agenda. I have had some folks weigh in on both sides of the Spalding’s salvage business story I wrote last week. Originally, I was going to just leave that topic alone and let it take its course. But then no one had written anything about the owners’ position and how this was affecting their business. In defense of other media, the Ashpoles were reluctant to speak up. When they decided to, I wanted to make sure they had the microphone.

I wrote my story, now here is my opinion. I think the Ashpoles are in a situation that was mostly created by others. They are not legally savvy people. They know their business, and were looking to reduce costs by exploring the opportunity to move. They asked about the possibility, and were told it could be done. They commit to the move, and then are told the zoning could not be changed. And then they were told that it will eventually be changed and to carry on in the mean time. In the mean time, they spent the money to move their business, and the location they were previously at is no longer available. So I have empathy for Spaldings. Would I want them located in my back yard? No. Not if I had a choice about it. Are there other businesses that would be worse? You bet. I guess I am just befuddled about how it got to this point. They wouldn’t be in a pickle if they had been told no in the first place.

I am told that the original zoning hearing was not done properly. Fine. That doesn’t change the current situation for this business. The County should, and probably does have policies detailing zoning. (What kind of business can go where and how close and how is it regulated.) And in my opinion, those are the main tools to be used when determining zoning. If zoning decisions are left to the winds of political and public opinion, then those with the most influence will be the ones who will control the zoning. I also think that if you leave it up to neighbors’ opinion solely, then some businesses will have less of a chance of locating in this area than a registered sex offender. Now judges and lawyers are involved, and it’s a big mess. I guess I have empathy for both sides on this one.

As always, I welcome letters to the editor. Mine is not the only opinion that can appear in this newspaper.

Make sure to soak up the sun when you can. That’s a sure fire way to chase away winter. Summer is on the way, and then we will probably be warmer than we would like. Have a great week.

by Ben Wolf, Guest Columnist
March 25, 2009


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