2005 Year in Review

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Mike Boland announces Lydia Chaplin legislation

Illinois State Representative Mike Boland announced in Morrison, December 22, 2005 he is sponsoring legislation to make it a felony if an uncontrolled and unaltered dog attacks someone and inflicts serious physical harm.

In a News Conference Boland explained how the father of Lydia Chaplin, approached him with a plea to help prevent further tragedy similar to what occurred to his daughter Lydia in January of 2005. Ms Chaplin, a 14 year old girl from Erie, Illinois was attacked in a rural area by four dogs and after suffering severe injuries from the attack, she then succumbed to hypothermia.Boland is concerned for future attacks and will be introducing this special legislation in the next session, stating " I believe there is sufficient support to get this passed".

Mr. Boland further explained he has been intimidated by dogs as he walked neighborhoods during campaigns. He further stated " This legislation is being introduced with the assistance and support of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and it would be a felony if an uncontrolled and unaltered dog attacks someone and inflicts serious physical harm".

MR. Boland acknowledged the somewhat uphill and unsuccessful battle similar legislation in other states has incurred.However, Boland believes his legislation is the first in the country to use the "unaltered" approach that will make it a successful deterent to aggressive breeds.He stated, "70% of dog bites are inflicted by animals that are not spayed or neutered and it encourages dog owners to neuter their pets at the same time as it makes owners responsible for their dog's actions".

In addition to the concerns for attacks such as the Lydia Chaplin tragedy, Boland stated gang bangers and drug dealers are increasingly using the more aggressive breeds to act as shields and slow down techniques during arrests and such a law would be an another aid for police in convictions.Mr. Boland encourages the public to contact his office with messages of either support or concerns as he continues with the legislation. Mr. Boland's office telephone is 309-736-3360.

by  Editor, theCity1.com
December 22, 2005


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